Upcoming & Past Events

An Evening with Spirit with Intuitive Mediums Daniel John and Pam Sears
Only $33 per ticket!
(Daniel John and Pam Sears charge one-hour mediumship rates are $150+. Don’t miss this chance to help a beloved nonprofit AND possibly receive messages from loved ones in spirit.)
NOTE: This is online event (via Zoom) of healing messages from your loved ones or spirit on the other side. This event is reserved for up to 40 participants. Not everyone is guaranteed a direct session; however, spirit does “piggy back” meaning multiple people from the group could get similar specific messages.
All proceeds go to help our 501c3 nonprofit help families who are in search of answers & loved ones.
Read more about Daniel John and Pam Sears (below) or at danieljohnmedium.com and pamsears.com.
APRIL 9, 2025
7pm ET/4pm PT Start Time
8:30pm ET/5:30pm PT End Time
* A ZOOM link will be sent to you the day before and the day of the event.

An Evening of Spirit Messages with Bobbi Allison
Want to receive hopeful, helpful, and healing messages of love from your loved ones in spirit while helping support a good cause?
Internationally renowned psychic & spirit medium, Bobbi Allison, is generously donating her time and gifts to help The National Institute for Law and Justice raise money to help families uncover truth in missing persons and homicide cases.
Bobbi will provide gallery-style mediumship readings via Zoom
November 11 at 7pm EST/4pm PM PST
Don't miss the opportunity to connect with loved ones in spirit form!
Bobbi's one-on-one reading prices start at $300 for 30 minutes.
ONLY PAY $44 to participate in this online event!
Seats are limited so reserve yours ASAP!
Bobbi Allison is an internationally renowned psychic and spirit medium who has been featured in Oprah Magazine, Goop, and Dr. OZ. She’s facilitated readings for over two decades, helping hundreds of people around the globe. Bobbi has the unique ability to read the future of her clients, receive messages from their deceased loved ones and put them on the path of spiritual enlightenment. In addition to one-on-one spiritual work, she frequently volunteers her time helping families and law enforcement who are searching for missing loved ones and answers in homicide cases. Learn more about Bobbi at bobbiallison.com.

Healing Hour: Release & Renew With Amy B Scher
Please join expert in mind-body-spirit healing, Amy B. Scher, for a 60-minute session to help you release stuck energy from your body and rebalance your system. Amy’s signature approach was born from her own battle and healing journey and with Lyme disease. Now, fully recovered, she helps people struggling with anxiety, depression, and chronic illness to release blocks to becoming their happiest, healthiest selves.
WHAT YOU'LL GET: Using her powerful techniques, she’ll walk you through her energy therapy practices o help you let go of what no longer serves you and usher in a lighter and brighter energy to move you forward. To close the sessions, she’ll do a few of her famous intuitive energy readings to help a handful of lucky volunteers identify and release specific blocks holding them back (all will benefit even if not chosen as a volunteer). All proceeds go to NILJ.org.

Haudenosaunee Wooden Stick Festival Weekend
Join us at the Haudenosaunee Wooden Stick Festival on September 14 & 15
The festival will take at Onondaga Lake Park, just 5 miles north of the Onondaga Nation. This event will be educational and entertaining for the whole family.
Please look forward to these events:
Traditional Haudenosaunee Wooden Stick Making Demonstrations throughout the weekend
The Randy Hall Masters Tournament will run the entire weekend.
Traditional Haudenosaunee social singing and dancing at noon each day.
Traditional Haudenosaunee foods and crafters

An Evening With Spirit Benefiting NILJ.org: With Medium & Intuitive Deb Levine of Soul Wisdom & Hosted by Kiersten Hathcock, Co-Founder of NILJ.org
Share in the intimate experience of receiving hopeful, helpful, and healing messages of love from your loved ones in Spirit. Deb is generously donating 50% of all proceeds to The National Institute for Law and Justice.

Six Harbors Brewing Fundraiser
Six Harbors Brewing Company NILJ Fundraiser. Sponsored by Traverse Capital Management. 5pm

Miles for the Missing Virtual Race
Join Us in May!
At the National Institute for Law and Justice (NILJ), we help families whose loved ones have gone missing. While our doors to all, we’ve been inundated with case requests involving Indigenous relatives from all over the United States. And here’s why: According to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, more than 4,200 missing and murdered cases involving Indigenous women, men, children, and two-spirits have gone unsolved.
Can you imagine having no place to turn when your loved one’s case goes unsolved? On average, private investigative services can cost a family upwards of $30,000 to continue searching. No one should have to give up their search. And everyone should have a trusted resource that is highly recommended by leaders from many Indigenous nations. This is where NILJ comes in…but we need your help.
Our goal for our #MilesForTheMissing Virtual Race is to help families who’ve lost so much already. Families whose loved ones have been trafficked, kidnapped, are suspected homicide victims, and more. By walking, running, swimming, or riding 42 miles (in honor of the 4200 missing and murdered loved ones) during the month of May, you'll fund investigations to find missing Indigenous relatives.
Collectively, we’re hoping to hit the 42,000 mile marker and raise $150,000 in the process!
LINK: https://www.charityfootprints.com/niljmilesforthemissing/

Huntington, NY Chamber of Commerce Breakfast
NILJ attended the Chamber of Commerce Breakfast

Book Launch Event
Little Voices Book Launch Event featuring Kiersten Hathcock & Detective Mark Pucci (NILJ Co-Founders)
Join Our Virtual Race in May!
Raising Funds for our Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Initiative. Every Dollar Counts. Click the photo to join.